Pastoral Care vs. Therapy: Knowing When to Refer Out
Rev. Dr. Patricia Murphy, BCC, GRM, BME
Ecclesiastical Endorser for Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries & American Baptist National Network of Chaplains, Pastoral Counselors, Spiritual Directors & Specialized Ministers
American Baptist Home Mission Societies, Judson Press
Taking on the role of shepherding a congregation is no doubt a weighty task. There are those who will expect their leaders to have all the answers and equipment to tackle needs great and small. In this session, learn how to create a compassionate plan for supporting the congregation dealing with mental health concerns
Transformational Leadership That Inspires, and Motivates
Rev. Dr. Ruth N. Segres
The United States Air Force
With more energy being invested into mental health, churches may well be on the cusp of a revolution. To ensure that wellbeing becomes a staple of the church, it’s imperative to explore creating well-being initiatives. In this session, learn how to take the opportunity to reflect upon how you can become a champion for congregational wellbeing within your own ministry.
Compassion Fatigue: How to Keep Your Job Without Losing Your Mind
Rev. Dr. Cindy R Wallace, BCC-SP, NAVAC, CCISM, CGP
Mental Health Chaplain
This workshop teaches signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout and provides interactive practices that help reduce stress and move towards compassion satisfaction. Participants will learn ways to identify stress in their bodies, acknowledge distress from eustress (positive stress), and practice ways to manage the spiritual and emotional effects of stress in our lives.
Maintaining Your Mental Health While Helping Others
Rev. Leonard Wrigley, MDiv
Chaplain at the Army National Guard
When focusing on others without practicing self-care, destructive behaviors can surface. A preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped can create secondary traumatic stress for the helper. This session will help those who help others learn how to avoid burnout, how to recharge, and practice self-help.
Creating Community Connections for Mental Health
Dr. Shannon Williams, Ph.D., LCPC
Mental Health Therapist
Is there a role for the church in walking alongside people living with mental health? One of the most powerful gifts the church can give is acceptance as equal members of the Body of Christ. In this session, learn how to promote mental health services and develop partnerships with community agencies.
The Grief Recovery Method & COVID-19
Rev. Thomas Rodgerson
Loyola University
Professor of Pastoral Counseling
There is a high probability that someone you know is suffering from a broken heart. It may be due to a death, divorce, or another major loss like Covid 19? This session will teach you how to help others find relief from their emotional pain by offering practical tools for managing grief and loss.